Custom Procedures For Visitors
1. As a visitor to Japan you are required to make a written declaration about your belongings. Personal effects that are for personal use are all free of duties and /or taxes, if quantitatively they are considered appropriate and not for sale.
2. The green and red channel system: Please choose either the green channel or the red channel.
Please pay duties and/or taxes at the bank in the Customs inspection zone. When the value of the dutiable goods exceeds three hundred thousand yen "300,000 yen", Customs procedures for commercial cargo are required. |
Tax-Free Products In Japan
When you purchase articles at specified Tax-Free Shops, consumption tax on those articles may be exempted on condition that they are taken out of Japan.
When you purchase tax-free articles, you will be required to present your passport at the shop and you will receive a card entitled "Record of Purchase of Consumption-Tax-Exempt for Export", which will be attached to your passport. Articles purchased tax free will be checked with the card by a Customs officer, who will collect the card at the time of your departure from Japan. |
Customs and Tariff Bureau - Ministry of Finance, 3-1-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo